  • Active Soil - UNIVERSAL

Active Soil - UNIVERSAL

  • Being free of crucifers active soil UNIVERSAL can be used in oilseed rape crop rotations
  • Quick shadowing preserves tilth and suppresses weed
  • Binds remaining nitrogen in the ground and other nutrients in zones close to the roots
  • Increases biodiversity and interrupts diseases’ life cycles
  • Phacelia and clover flowers attract many insects
  • High value legumes deliver nitrogen into the cover crop blend and more over the crop rotation
  • UNIVERSAL is able to stabilise the soil and provide a literal cover from rainfall. This reduces soil surface 'capping', leading to the prevention of soil erosion and run-off both of sediment and nutrients
  • Not winterhardy and well suited for direct sowing
Old price: 0 грн

Agronomical recommendation
Sowing rate
20 kg

Sowing period
spring or summer period

not necessary

Best rotation with

Good rotation with
maize, cereals, sunflower, sugar beet

Mixtures components
Black oat
weight 41% / seeds 14%

weight 26% / seeds 3%

weight 15% / seeds 49%

Berseem clover
weight 18% / seeds 35%

    • Being free of crucifers active soil UNIVERSAL can be used in oilseed rape crop rotations
    • Quick shadowing preserves tilth and suppresses weed
    • Binds remaining nitrogen in the ground and other nutrients in zones close to the roots
    • Increases biodiversity and interrupts diseases’ life cycles
    • Phacelia and clover flowers attract many insects
    • High value legumes deliver nitrogen into the cover crop blend and more over the crop rotation
    • UNIVERSAL is able to stabilise the soil and provide a literal cover from rainfall. This reduces soil surface 'capping', leading to the prevention of soil erosion and run-off both of sediment and nutrients
    • Not winterhardy and well suited for direct sowing
  • Agronomical recommendation
    Sowing rate
    20 kg

    Sowing period
    spring or summer period

    not necessary

    Best rotation with

    Good rotation with
    maize, cereals, sunflower, sugar beet

    Mixtures components
    Black oat
    weight 41% / seeds 14%

    weight 26% / seeds 3%

    weight 15% / seeds 49%

    Berseem clover
    weight 18% / seeds 35%

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